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MADE AWARDS 2020 - Paris


The Excellence Award is the ultimate prize and identifies the best innovation among the winners.

Servo Artpack is among the nominates of 2020


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New offices open event, January 2020

Servo Artpack, azienda Svizzera attiva nel settore dell’imballaggio flessibile stampato, storicamente legata all’industria Italiana del settore, inaugura Venerdi 31 Gennaio 2020 i nuovi uffici di Morbio Inferiore. La nuova sede, il cui design interno è stato progettato dall’Architetto Paolo Muscionico di Como, è stata sviluppata tenendo in considerazione tutti i più moderni criteri di risparmio energetico, e sostenibilità ambientale.


Comunicato stampa e immagini dell'evento 

Empack den Bosch 2019

The future of packaging technology.
Our presence at this fair is now awaited by our customers and appreciated by new contacts, who have shown themselves to be very interested in the quality that Servo Artpack offers.

Servo Artpack on “Il Sole 24 ore”

The Italian most common newspaper in the Italian economic-financial sector "IL SOLE 24 ORE" dedicates an article to eco-sustainable packaging by appointing Servo Artpack to have won together with Peeze and Poplast in 2018 the Made Awards for the category of INNOVATIVE PACKAGING 2018 for the compostable triplex laminate for coffee packagings.

Made 2019

Servo Artpack received the nomination for the MADE Awards 2019 with it's entirely recyclable industrial packaging.
The two easy separable layers makes this pack 100% recyclable!

  •   Viale Serfontana, 13
    6834 Morbio Inferiore - Switzerland